Thursday, December 14, 2006

Key Points To Remember From Chapter 2

It’s OK to be a MAN.
Remember, women are turned on by ‘masculine’ men.
Don’t let anyone make you feel bad about your
natural desires and attraction to women.
Make A Long-Term Commitment To Practice And
Learn This Material.
Learning to be successful with women isn’t something
you can do overnight.
It takes practice to get this stuff down… but the
reward is more than worth it.
Don’t let ANYTHING stop you from reaching the level
of success you deserve.
Never Stop Improving Your Physical
Stack the odds in your favor by constantly improving
your personal appearance.
When you make an effort to get in shape, maintain
great hygiene, and keep your wardrobe and hairstyle
updated, looking great is only half of the benefit.
You’ll also quickly build your confidence to powerful
new levels all women will notice.
Talk POSITIVELY To Yourself.
If you’re not currently enjoying the kind of success
with women you desire, IT’S NOT YOU.
You simply need to learn the ‘skill’ of attracting
Take a positive mindset when you are learning this
new skill. Give yourself permission to make mistakes, so
long as you learn from them.
Talk to yourself in a positive way and coach yourself
to success. With practice and dedication, you WILL get
this down.
It’s only a matter of time.
Find And Learn From Others Who Are Already
Successful With Women.
This is no better or faster way for you to learn to be
successful with women than meeting and learning from
guys who already have it down.
If you’re serious about getting this part of your life
handled, this is a MUST.
Make it your goal from now on to track down a few of
these guys and watch them in action.
Pay close attention to what they do… and more
importantly, what they DON’T do.
Now that you know what to look for, you’ll be amazed
at what you learn.
Define The Outcome You Desire With Women.
Do you want to gain more confidence around women,
have one-night stands, or find a girlfriend or wife?
You can’t get to where you want without knowing
where you want to go. Set a goal for yourself and make it

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